About SMC

Hi Guys and Girls. My name is Stacey and I am the founder, director, CEO of Simply Magical Celebrations. That makes me sound a bit fancy right? Ha ha not even the slightest bit me personally. 

Based in Ballarat Victoria I am a small every growing business loving the custom life. 

Simply Magical Celebrations was started when my daughter was 3 years old and I couldn't find her party decorations anywhere in Australia without a HUGE cost. So I made them myself (which in hind sight cost more than the products would of) However that sparked a love for the un found, Hard to find, One of a kind items that I wanted but couldn't source here locally. 

I built my little side hustle while raising 2 kids who "had to help" hence the name S M C (Mia & Chelsea) We have grown so much in the last few years its now a full time job that I love. Still finding the one off items that Australia just cant seem to keep in supply. With the rise of other crafters I have expanded into a craft supply one stop shop also which is what I will be passing down to the children one day, (even if they dont like it) 
Bringing your ideas to life. The only motto I need is just that. 

XX Stace

So you want to contact the people at SMC??

Well if your up with the social media platforms we have both Facebook and Instagram

Facey: https://www.facebook.com/SimplyMagicalCelebrations

Insta: simply_magical_celebrations

IF you want to brave the Tik Tok world then we can be found there also : simplymagicalcelebration

Simply give me a call on 0408 625 880 or an email simplymagicalcelebrations@gmail.com

IF all else fails there is the form below but lets be honest this is the one I will check last as its very rarely used.

Contact form