Beard Butter- Woodsman 60ml
Beard Butter- Woodsman 60ml
A warming woody scent with bold beginnings of cedar wood patchouli and peppercorn lingering in combination with spicy clove cinnamon amber and white musk.
Our all natural beard balms are full of beneficial ingredients that are not only designed to style and hold your beard but also to help lock moisture into the hair, promote healthy hair growth, promote thicker beard growth, softens hair, helps prevent hair breakage as well as smooths down frizz and flyaways.
Using the back of your nail to scoop out a small amount, rub between your palms until it has become fully emulsified. Apply evenly to your beard, firstly in an upward motion and then down to style as you desire.
Shea Butter, Beeswax, Almond Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Sunflower Oil, Coconut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Fragrance Oil.